BPMBoost Presents: Denver Hard Dance A Legacy Of Style

Born out of a noble cause, to unite the American Hard Dance scene. Denver Hard Dance has grown to an internationally recognized brand over a very short period of time.
Established 2012, DHD originated as an event promotions company specializing in, you guessed it, Hard Dance in the Denver area. Having thrown successful events in some of Denver’s premier nightclubs, DHD brought a new life into Colorado’s Hard Dance scene. As the organization grew however, the team shifted their focus into a new direction. . . Enter the Denver Hard Dance Record Label.
With its first release “Can’t Escape” – DHD United [Hard Asylum 2014 Anthem] the DHD crew set forth onto a journey to help develop and grow American Hard Dance producers to the next level of their career.
When speaking to DHD’s Mitchell Rolle I asked a few questions about the label. I decided to get straight to the point and ask what every up-and-coming producer wants to know.
How do you choose artists for DHD?
“Based on productions and mutual agreement that releasing would benefit the artist. We don’t make artists sign contracts, they are free to grow and meet others through our label to help expand their career.”
That’s dopeeeee actually, do you guys look for a specific sound? Or just good music?
“Just quality Hard Dance!”
Since 2014, Denver Hard Dance has had a slew of successful releases, featuring artists such as Deoxy, Markove, The Wicked, Recoder and Treachery. Although American based, the label isn’t limited to just American producers. Having also made a release with Japans’ Anubasu-Anubasu and his track “Give Me Your..” DHD is open to working with Hard Dance artists across the globe.
Before ending my discussion with Mitch I asked him what DHD’s long term goals were. He replied.
“To release Quality music from around the world. We want to help artists grow and reach the levels they want to reach. We want nothing more than to spread the love of Hard Dance music and the emotions that come with it.”
Denver Hard Dance can be found on all platforms of social media and very recently put their whole discography on YouTube. A special thank you from DHD to Believe Artz for the YouTube template & Stan from The Legendary Uploadzz for helping them render and get the channel started.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Last we wanted to send you off with our newest podcast episode by DHD’s very own Deoxy. Our latest podcast episodes can be found on SoundCloud. You can see our entire show’s history on our MixCloud:
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Special Thanks to Believe Artz
Special Thanks to The Legendary Uploadzz